01270 765500

Training Needs Analysis

Excel Advanced

This questionnaire helps you assess your current skill level, which helps us choose the most suitable course

Please mark each question from 1 to 10. 10 meaning a complete understanding and 1 indicates no previous knowledge. The 'Ability' column is your current knowledge and the 'Need' column indicates how important a topic is to you.

If you do not know what the topic refers to then leave the Need column blank.

*Name: Email:
Company: Phone:


  Ability Need
Do you know how to apply security features such as cell protection?
Do you know how to apply data validation?
Do you know how to apply conditional formatting?
Do you know how to define and use names for cells and ranges?
Can you use conditional functions such as IF or SUMIF?
Can you use lookup functions such as VLOOKUP or HLOOKUP?
Do you know what Array functions are and how and when to use them?
When creating charts, are you able to change and control them to your satisfaction?
Can you apply trend lines and their calculations to your charts?
Do you know how to organise data into lists and perform functions such as sorting or filtering?
Can you use any of the Excel database features such as AutoFilter or Pivot Table?
Do you know how to use the Sub Total options on Excel databases?
Can you use any of the Excel database functions such as DSUM?
Do you know how to create a Pivot Chart?
Do you know how to create and use Excel templates?
Do you know how to import a spreadsheet created using a different application?
Do you know how to import text from data files?
Have you ever recorded Excel macros?
Do you know how to access the Excel Visual Basic Editor to make minor changes to macros?
Do you know how to embed or link to objects?

Ability Total


Need Total


Each question where your NEED is greater than your ABILITY will make this course more useful to you. When these rows total over 50, the course is recommended. 0

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