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Title Content Time (Days) Software Used Functions

Flexibles Cost model

(JW/BR ULPS 2002-2014)

Excel tool to analyse and forecast costs for different production scenarios and processes. The tool allows basic or detailed views of interchangeable templates, and uses default values refreshed online to minimise user input.

This is an ongoing project starting from 2002. It has gone through many version changes and is currently in the state of further changes.

The cost model is refreshed via an online database and incorporates a basic and detailed view of the main variables that affect cost.

The model uses different interchangeable templates to dynamically rebuild a cost output. The templates are aligned to allow costs (including waste) to flow through and accumulate in the model so that a final breakdown of costs in terms of raw material, waste and overheads can be analysed.

To find out how we could make a project like this help your business, call +44 (0)1949 21 21 21

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