01270 765500

Training Needs Analysis

InDesign Advanced

This questionnaire helps you assess your current skill level, which helps us choose the most suitable course

Please mark each question from 1 to 10. 10 meaning a complete understanding and 1 indicates no previous knowledge. The 'Ability' column is your current knowledge and the 'Need' column indicates how important a topic is to you.

If you do not know what the topic refers to then leave the Need column blank.

*Name: Email:
Company: Phone:


  Ability Need
Can you use advanced text features?
Can you diagnose text layout issues?
Can you divide your work into layers?
Can you add fills, gradients and strokes to objects?
Can you make parts of your images transparent?
Can you add tables, and position text and images inside them?
Can you use left, right and decimal tabs to position columns of numbers?
Can you use guides to line up text boxes?
Can you create bezier paths?
Can you combine paths to make compound shapes?
Can you use clipping paths on images to cut out background colours?
Can you use large document features, such as automatic table of contents?
Can you generate an index or glossary automatically, based on styles?
Can you add hyperlinks to your document?
Can you populate your document from an XML source, eg to create a mail merge?
Can you create SWF files, or interactive PDFs?
Can you recreate a page from any professional magazine publication?
Can you reuse layouts, styles and templates across different documents?
Can you identify which tools and techniques were used in a professional publication?
Can you edit documents created by other users, and maintain consistent styles?

Ability Total


Need Total


Each question where your NEED is greater than your ABILITY will make this course more useful to you. When these rows total over 50, the course is recommended. 0

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