Course Outline

Microsoft Word 2016 Intermediate


Who is this course for?

This course is designed for existing users of Microsoft Word. Delegates will acquire further Word Processing skills in order to manipulate Microsoft Word and become more efficient with the product.


How long is this course?

1 Day 


What do I need to know before attending?

Delegates should have attended the Microsoft Word Introduction course or have the equivalent skills and knowledge to that level. 


What will I expect to achieve at the end of the training?
At the end of this course
you will be able to:

  • Strengthen your knowledge on document formatting.
  • Create and manage automatic numbered lists.
  • Create, format, and manipulate tables.
  • Understand how to create and manipulate styles and templates.
  • Create protected forms to manage other user’s document layout.
  • Work with drawing objects and charts within your documents, including linking and embedding Excel data.


Price Band:



Revision of the Basics
Revision of the topics from the Introduction Course.
Using AutoText, AutoCorrect and AutoComplete.
Spelling & Grammar checking.
Using the Find & Replace feature.

More Formatting
Recapping font, paragraph and section formatting.
Working with the ruler to control tabs and indents.
Applying borders and shading.
Managing headers and footers.
Managing automatic bullets and numbering.
Working with multi-level numbering.

Working with Tables
Creating and drawing tables.
Navigating around a table.
Selecting, inserting and deleting cells, rows and columns.
Formatting and altering table properties.
Creating basic calculations.

Working with Templates & Styles
Using, creating and modifying text and paragraph styles.
Template creation and storage.
Introducing forms - how to create and use them.
Organising styles between templates.

Organising Content using Building Blocks
Creating and modifying Building Blocks.
Inserting Fields using Quick Parts.

Mail Merge, Labels and Envelopes
Creating a data source
Mail Merges
Generating Envelopes
Creating Labels

Inserting & Working with Graphics
Using pictures and Clip Art.
Adding pictures from social networking sites, such as Facebook and Flickr
Creating SmartArt graphics.
Using Watermarks.
Insert online videos.

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