Course Outline

Microsoft Windows 10 Introduction


Who is this course for?

As a user of earlier Windows versions, or a new PC user, the topics covered on this course will give you a practical familiarity and understanding of the differences and benefits when using Windows 10 on your computer.


How long is this course?

1 Day 


What do I need to know before attending?

There are no pre-requisites. This course is suitable for complete beginners and for those who are upgrading from previous versions of Windows to Windows 10. 


What will I expect to achieve at the end of the training?
At the end of this course
you will be able to:

  • Access and customise your Windows 10 Desktop.
  • Utilise the standard Windows 10 file management tools.
  • Recognise the key differences between Windows 10 and your current operating environment.


Price Band:



An overview of the differences and benefits of Windows 10 as an operating environment.

Desktop & Window Overview
Components of the Desktop, different kinds of windows and menus, opening, positioning, sizing & closing them.
Using Shake, Peek, Snap & Pin & Jump Lists and short cut menus.
Understanding dialogue boxes & their various controls.
Different techniques to select text or files using mouse & keyboard.
Examining Property sheets.
The significance & use of the Start Button.
Get Help & shutting down your PC.
Search and Social.
Cortana personal assistant.

A brief introduction to some of the accessories supplied with Windows 10, including Gadgets, Calculator, Snipping Tool, WordPad & Paint.
The Edge internet browser
The Windows Store.

The Explorer & Friends
Understanding and using the Windows Explorer, copying, moving & renaming files.
The significance of 'Documents' & 'Network'.
Searching for files.
Using the Favorites list & Libraries.
File saving under Windows 10 applications.
Associated standard Explorer Icons.

OLE, the Clipboard and Other Standard Windows Components
The concepts of Object Linking & Embedding and how this fits in to the principles of Windows environments.
The Single Toolbar & Extended Menus.

User Control
Settings & the Control Panel.
Action centre.
Accessing Print management & understanding the Task Manager.
Windows 8 Security - logging on, locking workstations.
Windows Defender & Windows Bitlocker.
Setting passwords.

Additional Topics
These are covered, as required, only when you are comfortable with the core elements of the course & include:
Customisation of your Desktop, Taskbar, Control Panel, Potential network utilities & technical considerations, internet connectivity.

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