Course Outline

Introduction to Computers


Who is this course for?

As a user of earlier Windows versions, or a new PC user, the topics covered on this course will give you a practical familiarity and understanding of Windows.


How long is this course?

1 Day 


What do I need to know before attending?

There are no pre-requisites. This course is suitable for complete beginners. 


What will I expect to achieve at the end of the training?
At the end of this course
you will be able to:

  • Access and customise your Desktop.
  • Utilise the standard file management tools.
  • Access and search the Internet.
  • Open and send Email messages.


Price Band:



An overview of the computer screen

Desktop & Window Overview
Components of the Desktop.
Different kinds of windows and menus, opening, positioning, sizing and closing them.
The significance and use of the Start Button.
Get Help and shutting down your PC.
Use Short Cut menus.

A brief introduction to some of the accessories supplied with Windows, including Calculator, WordPad and Paint.

Windows Explorer
Understanding and using the Windows Explorer, copying, moving and renaming files.
The significance of Documents and Network.
File saving.
Associated standard Explorer Icons.

User Control
Settings and the Control Panel.
Accessing printer options.

Accessing the Internet
Using different search engines.

Opening Email
Creating new messages and sending Email.
Replying and forwarding messages.

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